Help us celebrate these 5 outstanding Seniors of the class of 2023 as they cross the stage and officially graduate tonight. We are proud of the work they have accomplished and applaud the completion of their degree. May God bless them and prosper every aspect of their lives as they continue into the future, bringing glory to God.

Lucas Arnold is the first student to graduate who has attended all years, K-12, at CLA. He will be attending Cleveland State Community College to study Exercise Science with plans to become a Sports Physical Therapist.
Favorite Memory: Winning the first Boys High School Basketball Championship.

Faith Littleton will be attending Cleveland State Community College to study Office Procedures.
Favorite Memory: Learning new stuff everyday, participating in music, and going to basketball games and getting to know the team members.

Jenna Moses will be going to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in the fall. She has been accepted into the College of Communications. She'll be living with her sisters who are both alumni of CLA.
Favorite Memory: When they played spoons in the music room with expo markers and ended up fighting and marking all over each other.

Per Selander will be attending Cleveland State Community College then transferring to ETSU to major in Graphic Design
Favorite Memory: Performing in Godspell! He had a ton of fun and a ton of great castmates! Also, winning the house cup (for Boaz) 3 years in a row. (And possibly 4 for this year!)

Robert Selander plans to go to Cleveland State Community College to study Computer Science
Favorite Memory: Winning first place in the 8th grade Science Fair.