By Rachel Olsen
This past Friday night CLA took a boys team of 5, as well as 1 girl to the state qualifier meet. All of them qualified and are headed to state with course Personal Records!
Brenden Bledsoe and Samuel Larson ran for 1st and 2nd place. Carson Tinsman came in close behind with a 4th place snag. Joseph Olsen and Rev Alexander raced fast to finish the team score of 44 points, landing them in a strong 2nd place team finish. The other 4 boys teams all had at least 7 runners. To score, they take the top 5 runners and then consider runners 6 and 7 in the case of a tie. We are so thankful for our team running so well together and encouraging each other, because each place counts!
Charley Bledsoe finished strong with a Personal Record and improvement of over 1 minute this season! She qualified to go to state as a first place individual qualifier! She is CLA’s first middle school girl ever headed to state.
The following day, our two High School girls turned in course PRs at the same venue.
Also on Thursday, the elementary runners showed up strong at their 3rd meet, many getting their own PRs at this meet.
We are happy to celebrate with these young runners and wish our middle schoolers the best at the State meet this Saturday at 10 am CST in Clarksville, TN! 16 teams of 7 will run alongside 25 individual qualifiers for each of the girls and guys races. Run with endurance! Go Lions!