We've seen the pitfalls the entertainment industry has set for our children. The media often pushes an agenda that is not glorifying to God, teaching us that the ultimate goal is fame and glory - that these belong to us because we are the reason for our giftings and talents and that man should be worshiped.
But God is the only One who deserves worship. That's the beauty of an education at CLA. Students learn that "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made" (John 1:3) and that the fine and performing arts don't have to follow the standard of the world.
They learn that they are made in the image of God - that they create because he created. They learn to use their giftings and talents to glorify God, because he is the reason we have them. They also learn that they have purpose in those giftings and talents, and what they create can be beautiful because God is the source of our inspiration - that He receives glory when we use these talents for Him.
Our students have many opportunities to demonstrate this. Some of these opportunities include:
- Chapel Band
- Lower School and Upper School Musicals
- Talent Shows
- Dramas, Plays, Skits, and Presentations
- Video Production
- Creative Writing and Poetry
- Art Contests
- Skit creation (in multiple languages including Latin and Spanish)
- K-12 Choir Concerts and Performances
- Small Ensembles
And we're always expanding into new areas, because we have the freedom and flexibility to explore things that encourage student giftings.
These opportunities are more accessible than you think! We would love to have you come and take a tour to see for yourself how a quality classical Christian education can benefit your family. To schedule a tour, simply call 423-649-0040 or you can email info@clak12.org.
Enrollment for the '24-'25 school year opens soon!
#classicaleducation #christianeducation #christslegacyacademy #thinkagain #youcangettherefromhere #livingthelegacy