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Think you can't participate in the sciences in a meaningful way? Think Again!

Writer's picture: Sarah DalbeySarah Dalbey

The beauty of science is that it does not disprove God, but logically supports the existence of God the Creator. Colossians 1:16 says that "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him."

Our students get the hands on experience of learning about His creation through several different sciences (Chemistry, Biology, even Forensic Science); however, one of the strengths of our school is our Agricultural Science program. With a fully functioning greenhouse on campus, access to several farms to study large and small animal sciences, and a thriving FFA program, our students get first hand experience with the cycle of growth, life, and death while also learning about the importance of farm-to-table living. There's something special about digging your hands in the dirt and watching something grow.

But why is Agricultural Science important? According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, the McMinn County Profile ( stated that there were 1,054 farms in the county and 99% of those were family farms - 20% of these hired farm labor. According to the census, the market value of products sold from these farms was more than $50 million - a +32 point change in growth from 2012.

Do we prepare students to go out into the world beyond McMinn and make a difference? Absolutely. But we also prepare students who want to stay right here to contribute and make a difference in this community, too. With McMinn having a large agricultural community, we are preparing students to thrive and better the community in which they currently live.

We also have a CLA Chapter FFA program where students learn valuable leadership skills. They participate in supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs) over the course of their high school career that help them to develop employable "soft" skills that will aid them when they pursue a career. They create marketing plans, learn business management and networking, hone public speaking skills, and even agricultural evaluation skills.

Think you can't participate in the sciences in a meaningful way? Think again! We would love to have you come and take a tour to see for yourself how a quality classical Christian education can benefit your family. To schedule a tour, simply call 423-649-0040 or you can email

Enrollment for the '24-'25 school year opens soon!


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