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It is our desire at Christ’s Legacy Academy to partner with families and provide educational support for students who may have various learning differences.  We believe that all children are fearfully and wonderfully made, and it is our goal to establish a learning environment that not only provides academic excellence, but also collaborates with Christ-loving families who have children that need additional support within the classroom setting.  Our school has established a program, know as 'THRIVE', which allows students with mild to moderate learning differences the ability to learn and grow both in the regular classroom setting, as well as in a separate private tutoring classroom within our school building. Students enrolled in THRIVE receive services within the mainstream classroom and also within the THRIVE classroom.  In the THRIVE classroom, students are provided one on one or small group tutoring, with an instructor to student ratio no greater than 1:3.  


Because all of our THRIVE students are mainstreamed into the regular classroom setting, the selection process for THRIVE is thorough and specific based on student needs.


Pre-requisites for THRIVE program:

*Must have a formal diagnosis by a child/school psychologist

*Must be able to pass our academic screening test during the admission process-this will indicate that the student would be successful in the mainstream classroom learning environment.

*Must provide current formal evaluation documentation (within the past three years) to the THRIVE Director and Dean of Curriculum


Once a student has completed the admission process of THRIVE and is determined to be a match for our program, our THRIVE Director and Dean of Curriculum will discuss the student’s needs and individualized plan of classroom support, and tuition will be set.  Our THRIVE program is designed to help guide and support students to not only be successful in school, but to thrive in all aspects of life (home, school, community, and spiritual walk).  We do so by promoting positive social skills, life skills, organizational skills, and academic support both in and out of the classroom setting.


Level 1

  • Extended time to complete assignments and tests

  • Preferential seating in the classroom

  • Use of calculator (Logic and Rhetoric, or as applicable)

  • Minimize the amount of memorization at one time

  • Regular check for understanding from classroom teacher

  • Reduce written assignments and/or questions on a test

  • Break assignments into smaller units

  • Provide a copy of class notes after student attempt

  • Provide a word box for a test

  • Provide visual cues and organizers

  • Provide math formulas (when applicable)

  • THRIVE Instructor will meet with parents and classroom teachers, when applicable

Level 2

  • Level 1 accommodations

  • Study guide provided after student attempt

  • Test/quiz assistance for the student in THRIVE classroom

  • Student leaves the classroom to take a test/quiz in THRIVE classroom

  • Modify format of a test/quiz, if necessary (i.e. Spelling Test)

  • Re-test, if necessary

  • Oral responses for tests (when applicable)

  • Minimize copying from the board (when applicable)

  • Classroom observations/Inclusion with THRIVE Instructor

Level 3

  • Level 1 and 2 accommodations

  • One-on-one tutoring from THRIVE Instructor

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