Variable Tuition Assistance
If you believe that your family will need assistance, please click the FAST icon below to apply through Independent School Management's (ISM) FAST application program. CLA partners with ISM to determine the financial need of each family. In order to be considered for assistance, a student's family must:
Apply for the appropriate school year by filling out the student application here.
Pay the $250 application fee
Apply for financial aid by clicking the FAST logo below
Christ's Legacy Academy admits students of any race, gender, color, national origin, or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, financial assistance and loan programs, athletic programs, and other school administered programs and activities.
Click the FAST Logo below to be transferred to the FAST application web-site.
Variable Tuition FAQ
Think you can't afford a quality Christian education?
Think again. Christ's Legacy Academy proudly offers Variable Tuition. Tuition at CLA is not "One-size-fits all." It's a range that spans from 50% to 85% of the full cost of education to the school. Variable tuition adjusts tuition rates to meet your family's unique financial position. Only those who cannot afford the cost of full tuition need to apply for Variable Tuition.
What is Variable Tuition?
Variable Tuition is a need-based tuition program similar to those used by many private schools, colleges, and universities. This program allows families to apply for a variable tuition that is the right fit for their families’ financial situation. Thus, this makes an education at CLA affordable to many qualified students who could not otherwise join our school community.
How Does Variable Tuition Work?
Any family (current or new) of a kindergarten through twelfth-grade student may apply for Variable Tuition if they are concerned about affording the full tuition rate at Christ's Legacy Academy and they think they may qualify for the program. Many factors are considered when determining the tuition amount a family is able to pay, including income, assets, unusual expenses, and the size of the family. The resources available for the family in a given year must also be considered in light of the Variable Tuition awards available at CLA.
An application for Variable Tuition does not affect the re-enrollment or admission process. Regardless of financial need, parents should initiate the re-enrollment or admission process as early as possible. Variable Tuition decisions will not be shared prior to the school receiving a completed application.
It is not possible for a family or the school to estimate the tuition level for which a family qualifies without the completion of a Variable Tuition application. Applications are submitted directly to FAST Aid Management listed below, a third-party agency. FAST evaluates the application based on criteria set by the school and makes a recommendation to the school’s Variable Tuition team. Families are notified of the tuition level for which they qualify from the school’s Business Office.
Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide Variable Tuition to every deserving student. We work within the available resources to make the school accessible to as many students and families as possible.
Do I need to apply to CLA to receive confirmation of my Variable Tuition?
Should every new CLA family submit an application for Variable Tuition?
No. Only families who feel that they may not be able to pay the full cost of tuition should submit an application.
Do I need to apply for Variable Tuition every year?
Yes. A new application must be submitted every year.
If I do not qualify for the program this year, can I apply again next year?
Yes. A family that does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year, especially if your financial circumstances change.
Do I need to apply for admission separately from applying for Variable Tuition?
Yes. For new students, application to CLA and application for Variable Tuition are two separate processes.
Will applying for Variable Tuition hurt my student’s chance of being admitted to the school?
No. We desire a diverse socio-economic school community. Admission applications and Variable Tuition applications are evaluated separately, and an application for Variable Tuition has no bearing on the admission process.
What kind of economic situation is typical of a family who qualifies for Variable Tuition?
A wide range of families with a variety of circumstances qualify for the program, from those who are able to pay close to high end of Variable Tuition to those who are at the entry level of the range. Many factors are evaluated, including income, assets, unusual expenses, and the size of the family.
Are some families awarded full tuition?
No. Every family is required to make a financial investment in their child’s education. Our commitment to providing Variable Tuition means that we are sharing in that investment with you. No family will receive Variable Tuition that is less than approximately 50% of tuition.
Are all admitted students offered Variable Tuition if the family qualifies?
No. Unfortunately, the school does not have the ability to offer Variable Tuition to every student who qualifies for both admission and Variable Tuition. It is recommended that families apply for Variable Tuition as early as possible.
Will Variable Tuition lead to larger classes? No. Christ's Legacy Academy has established optimal class sizes that cannot be surpassed. Within those limits, we will continue to accept qualified, mission-appropriate students.
Who should I contact with questions about Variable Tuition?
Questions about Variable Tuition should be directed to Dr. Shane Arnold, our Head of Schools.
You can reach him at 423-649-0040 or by email at